
Last activity: 31 Aug 2020 14:14 EDT
How to create a zip file to store in sftp folder using repository API
Hi all,
I'm retrieving data from a Report Definition to be set as the content of a CSV file to be stored in SFTP folder.
For this, I've customized a copy of pxConvertResultsToCSV pega activity.
What I've done is to substitute 2nd java step, the one that creates the file, with D_pxNewFile savable data page from Repository API, because it was the only way I've been able to set the file into SFTP folder.
After testing it, the size of the file can be quite large, so for performance reasons when it will be downloaded by the customer, a zip file will be a better option.
All information I've been able to find, implies the use of java code to set a temporary file, that will be opened to create a new zipped one using java library.
Do you know if there's a way of creating the zip file with repository apy without having to create a temporary file?
Thanks in advance
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update General to Product***