
Last activity: 18 Nov 2022 8:15 EST
Append Data to a File stored in Repository using Repository API (D_pxGetFIle , D_pxNewFile)
Using Repository API is there any way we can Append Data to an File in pegacloudfilestorage.
Here is my detailed requirement, please guide if anyone has already cracked this ?
1. We need to write an JSON output file by Iterating through a PageList and on Every Iteration I need to append to an existing File in a new Line.
Lets say we have a FileOutputList in which we have 3 Objects with Data as only two properties (CustomerId(Key) and CustName so we wanted the below Output
CustomerID CustName
123456 TesUser1
345678 TestUser2
Using Repository API is there any way we can Append Data to an File in pegacloudfilestorage.
Here is my detailed requirement, please guide if anyone has already cracked this ?
1. We need to write an JSON output file by Iterating through a PageList and on Every Iteration I need to append to an existing File in a new Line.
Lets say we have a FileOutputList in which we have 3 Objects with Data as only two properties (CustomerId(Key) and CustName so we wanted the below Output
CustomerID CustName
123456 TesUser1
345678 TestUser2
567890 TestUser3
This is just a sample and in actual requirement we have a huge data in file so its not fare to load the complete stream of data to clipboard and append rather i am looking for option to just Open the file using filepath and Append with a new line every time I iterate through my Pagelist.
Thank you.