
HCL Technologies Limited
Last activity: 30 May 2019 9:01 EDT
getting mail authentication exception when 2 OOTB activities used together
Hi All,
I have an activity where i am using outbound default email account which i created. In my activity, i am calling @baseclass.getEmailSenderInfo to get the default email account which is returning all output as parameters. In the next step, i am calling @baseclass.SendEmailNotification to send the mail which takes input from output parameters returned in previous step.
Now, When i am testing, i am getting below exception in tracer and mail is not sent.
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535 #5.7.0 Authentication failed
Please note test connectivity of email account is successful and the password is correct.
When i do not use @baseclass.getEmailSenderInfo and use only other activity i.e @baseclass.SendEmailNotification by passing the parameter hardcoded, it is working properly.
Pega version :7.1.9
Please help if anything i need to configure.
Thanks in advance.!!!