
Last activity: 12 Mar 2019 8:46 EDT
Unable to delete and check out a rule
I am not able to delete oir check out a checked in record in an open ruleset. It throws the below error:
heck out failed. Unable to save original record that was to be checked out.
Can any body please help me delete this rule ?
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Pegasystems Inc.
what is the PRPC version? Is environment hosted on-premise or Pega-Cloud?

The version is Pega 8.1 hosted on pega cloud

Pegasystems Inc.
Please provide the below information:
-Is this happening with a particular rule or for all the rules?
-Is this happening only with your operator or with all the operators?
-Could you please check if the rule is opened in snapshot mode?
-Attach complete log and tracer for this issue.
-Attach the screen-shot when you search the rule and expand the result.

Is this happening with a particular rule or for all the rules? : Ans - It happens only for this particular rule.
Is this happening with a particular rule or for all the rules? : Ans - It happens only for this particular rule.
-Is this happening only with your operator or with all the operators? : Ans - With all the operator ids for this particular rule
-Could you please check if the rule is opened in snapshot mode? Ans : No it is not opened in snapshot rule
-Attach complete log and tracer for this issue. - Unable to attach due to huge size
-Attach the screen-shot when you search the rule and expand the result. - Attached.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you try saving this rule in a higher ruleset version and then try the same.

Doesn't help.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please provide a flow action in the outgoing connector of "Underwritter" assignment and then try to checkout.
Also can you just add the stack trace of this particular exception from the logs.
We also need tracer file to check where exactly the check out is failing.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check if the operator enabled with option "Allow rule check out" under security tab of operator rule form?

Even we faced same issue, Bulk discard option is helpful in such scenarios.
Hope this helps you.