
Last activity: 22 Nov 2018 17:56 EST
Validation error disappears on form submit
Hi Guys,
I got a section with two Required fields. For first field configured Edit Validate rule. Second field has no validation.
When I type incorrect value in first field and click away from this field, the edit validate error message displays. Then I click Submit button and edit validate error disappers. The standard error "Value cannot be blank" shows for second field instead.
Please help me understand why the edit validate error disapper.
Is there a way to make the validate error stay visible after submit?
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Grant Thompson -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Alexander,
I tried to replicate your use case with above procedure but could not see the reported behavior in Pega 7.4 version and both validation messages are displayed as below :
Can you please let us know your Pega version? Did you check with OOTB Validate rule on the first property and check the behavior.

My Pega version is 7.2.2.
I tried to use OOTB Validate rule "IsInteger" and got same result.
How can I fix this behavior on my Pega version?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please let us know the PRPC version as this error seems to be related to a particular PRPC version.

My Pega version is 7.2.2.
I tried to use OOTB Validate rule "IsInteger" and got same result.
How can I fix this behavior on my Pega version?

Pegasystems Inc.
I check in Pega 7.2.2, but the reported issue is not seen. Can you please tell In what type of layout your fields are placed. Did you customize validation error messages? Did you check in other browsers like Chrome, Firefox etc..

The fields are placed in Dynamic Layout. There is no customization for validation messages.
My configuration for layout and first field is in attachments. Configuration for second field is the same as for first, but there is no defined actions on Actions tab.
I use Chrome 70.0.3538.77
I also got this issue on Pega 7.1.6. Please try to reproduce in 7.1.6.

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, I see you have "Post value" in the action action for the first field which is causing the issue. Remove that and observe that the required error message is shown when the form is submitted.
Hope this helps!
Updated: 15 Nov 2018 9:28 EST

In addition, I downloaded Pega 7.2.1 virtual machine, and tried to reproduce the issue. Here is the video of my reproduction.