Submitting HTML Form!
Greetings. I am having a question around DOM element and clicking on a Start button which has the field associated with DOM element passed in as a parameter.
We have a Text Input, which has an "onChange" event which posts the value to memory. (e.g. field is .Customer.CustomerID - Text Input)
We have a "Start" button next to the Text Input which has "onClick" event which calls "Create New Work" and has ".Customer.CustomerID" passed in as one of the parameters to the flow called from Create New Work.
1. We have Pega integrated within a third party application. What they do is pass the Customer ID(1234567890) to the text input and immediately click on Start button, this is not invoking the "onChange" on TextInput but just invokes "onClick" on Start Button.
2. But when invoked Pega Standalone, if i replicate same as what the application does, that is immediately click on Start button i can see both my onChange and onClick being invoked.
From Point 1 we are having issues, .Customer.CustomerID that is being passed as a parameter is sometimes coming as NULL (value is taken directly from DOM element).
Now, my question is, when submitting the form which as a text input, Is there a chance for the value in DOM element to be lost? and that is why we see sometimes null being passed?
Any questions, please do let me know!