
Raytheon Technologies
Last activity: 31 Oct 2018 9:31 EDT
switchApplication script doesn't work
I'm trying to create a dashboard widget that shows all of the application access groups that the user is a member of, with a click action to switch to it. It should work just like the "Switch apps" menu items in the pyCaseManager Navigation rule (we just want something that is more visible for users who don't know that the "Switch apps" menu exists).
I have the UI working to display each access group using a Repeating Dynamic Layout displaying a section for each access group. On the section that's being displayed for each access group I added a Click Action of Run Script and copied the action that is configured in the pyCaseManager Navigation rule:
The Function Name is "switchApplication" and the parameter is accessGroup.
When I click on the item with the click action nothing happens.
Should I be able to call the switchApplication script? Is there something additional I need to do in order to get this to work? Is there another approach I should try?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update platform capability***