Last activity: 5 Feb 2019 4:41 EST
The Operation Completed successfully but returned no content error
Hi All,
We have Pega application in V7.1.8 which is undergoing migration to Tomcat server(on prem) from Solaris(Websphere). As a part of this we have deployed the prweb.war file in Tomcat server and are trying to hit the designer studio in tomcat server but we are getting this error:Status good
The Operation Completed successfully but returned no content.
PFA the error page.
We have till now implemented the below points:
1. Stop all other running app servers other than private cloud.
2.Truncate the following tables pr4_rule_sysgen and .pr_assembledclasses;
3. Restart the server after clearing everything under tmp
This error still persists Kindly provide a solution to overcome this.
Thanks in advance!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***