Persiting Temporary Child-Case
Hi All
We have a requirement (for app in Pega 7.1.8) when child-case should be persisted only after certain verifications. It woud be nice to do it in a simple way - in a starting flow make this child-case temporary, verify some details-condition-etc and then, if everything is OK, - persist the case. But it looks that such temporary child-case is not persisted - at least when creating via "Create case" shape or svcAddWorkObject - even if Persist Shape is inside starting flow.
Any advise on it?
Thanks in advance
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Accepted Solution

HI Julia,
Per my understanding, you can create temporary child case, but it cannot be saved as a database object.
Please refer to the below pdn link:

What do you see in Tracer when reaching the Persist Case shape? The DB Query and Flow event types may be helpful in Tracer. Are there any errors?

Tracer doesn't show running activity pyLaunchInternalCaseFlow for temp subcase (which, I suppose, initiates advancement by flow), - while it definitely is running for a permanent subcase.
One more intresting fact. Activity svcAddWorkObject calls activity addWork that have parameter tempItem with following description:
If true create a temporary work object. (Not for covered objects).
Does it mean that it is not possible to create temporary child cases?

I haven't had a chance to try setting up a test case on my system yet but had a thought. What happens if you create the child case separately and then associate it with the parent after it is persisted?

It can be tried as a "Plan C", still... it can lead to additional rules to stop or to do something else with the case when it is out of parent etc.
As a "Plan B" I am thinking to try putting verifications into constraints.

Hey CarissaW_GCS,
any news for me here? For my particularly case even constraints almost solved the issue, the last problem is that I didn't find yet any mechanism to strictly forbid standing alone childs...
Still for the future it would be very usefull no know if Pega allows temporary subcases.
Accepted Solution

HI Julia,
Per my understanding, you can create temporary child case, but it cannot be saved as a database object.
Please refer to the below pdn link: