Verizon Wireless
Last activity: 1 Aug 2017 12:19 EDT
No health messages observed in AES from PEGA 72 monitored nodes
Hi Team,
We are able to observe health messages from PEGA 6.x monitored nodes but not from PEGA 72 monitored nodes.
We have tried the below mentioned recommendations from one of the PDN article but couldnt solve the issue.
PDN article :
Problem: No health messages sent to the AES server
When no health messages are being sent to the AES server, either one or both of the following conditions might be the cause of this problem:
Legacy PRPC 6.x information for sending health messages to the AES server in the prlogging.xml and prconfig.xml files causes inconsistency.
The PegaAESREMOTE agent is not running on the monitored node.
AES : PEGA 7.2 version.
Please suggest.
Pradeep Pydi.
***Edited by Moderator: Marissa to update SR details***
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
On reviewing the SR, we see that the issue was resolved after deleting the following DSS settings and restarting all the monitored nodes.
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/enabled/default
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/interval/default
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/notifications/appender/default
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pradeep,
I hope you have updated the Predictive Diagnostic Landing Page with correct AES URL in Pega 7.2 monitored node and all the aesremote agents are up and running. As from Pega 7.1.7 , we just need to update the Predictive Diagnostic Landing page.
Thank you
Verizon Wireless
Correct AES URL configured in the monitored node and all AES related agents are up and running in the monitored nodes and in the AES server as well.
Pradeep Pydi.
Updated: 22 Jun 2017 4:16 EDT
Verizon Wireless
If possible,could you please take this issue to Andy Werden's notice.
Pradeep Pydi.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to remove personal email information***
Pegasystems Inc.
1) Check the monitored node to see if it is configured correctly
a- from prsysmgmt, navigate to administration / configuration management
look for any entries for "management" topic (residual from Pega 62).
check value for "pdcconfig/altsoapurl" - is that the correct URL of the AES server?
try to call the URL specified by pdcconfig/altsoapurl from a browser. It should return HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
b- in designer studio, go to landing page System / Settings / Predictive Diagnostic Cloud. Verify the URL and try the Test Connectivity Button
c- enable verbose logging of communications. From system management application / Logging and Tracing / Logging Level Settings or designer studio / systems / operations / logs / logging level settings, enable DEBUG for classes httpclient.wire.content and httpclient.wire.header. Look for HLTH0001 messages coming out of monitored node - are they successfully sent? Disable DEBUG logging after 15 minutes. There should be 7 HLTH0001 messages during this interval
d- if messages are sent from monitored node, on AES servers, enable verbose debugging for ParseAlertLine and parseHLTH0001 activities. See if HLTH0001 messages are received and processed by server
e- on AES system, look for dynamic system setting AES/SECURITY/AGENTS/NODEID . Verify that all PegaAES agents are running on that specific node. The agents will not actually do work on other nodes.
Updated: 22 Jun 2017 14:39 EDT
Verizon Wireless
Thank you Andy for your recommendations.
Please find the responses below.
a) Please find the "management" details below.
management/enabled |
true |
Dynamic System Setting |
management/interval |
120 |
Dynamic System Setting |
management/notifications/appender |
Dynamic System Setting |
"pdcconfig/altsoapurl" correctly configured and it returns HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed message after launching the URL in the browser.
b) I couldnt find Test Connectivity Button in the landing page System / Settings / Predictive Diagnostic Cloud.Not even in the pega help.
c) Couldnt find HLTH0001 messages in the Pega Logs after enabling DEBUG for classes httpclient.wire.content and httpclient.wire.header.Please find below for the communication established between AES server and Monitored nodes.
Thank you Andy for your recommendations.
Please find the responses below.
a) Please find the "management" details below.
management/enabled |
true |
Dynamic System Setting |
management/interval |
120 |
Dynamic System Setting |
management/notifications/appender |
Dynamic System Setting |
"pdcconfig/altsoapurl" correctly configured and it returns HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed message after launching the URL in the browser.
b) I couldnt find Test Connectivity Button in the landing page System / Settings / Predictive Diagnostic Cloud.Not even in the pega help.
c) Couldnt find HLTH0001 messages in the Pega Logs after enabling DEBUG for classes httpclient.wire.content and httpclient.wire.header.Please find below for the communication established between AES server and Monitored nodes.
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "POST /prweb/PRSOAPServlet HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000Z1QntxdwF-6857Za30hCyHp:178l3rik5; Path=/; HttpOnly=null[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "SOAPAction: "urn:PegaRULES:SOAP:PegaAES:Events#logAlert"[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "User-Agent: Axis2[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "Host: xxx[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "84d[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><logAlert:logAlert xmlns:logAlert="urn:PegaAES:SOAP:Events"><logAlert:Message>2017-06-22 16:18:28,212 GMT*8*PEGA0099*1131*1000*2f47da90c3d201b0e7538a2bb6a56e6f*NA*NA*AC2419C964BA365F145ECDF71ACEE239F*none*CentralDecisionHub-Work*NBAHub:17.24*3a5e174d0caf36d28e49a27ba3c9c185*N*1*AC2419C964BA365F145ECDF71ACEE239F*9504*WebContainer : 11*STANDARD*Rule_Obj_Activity.InvokeRMServicePost.CentralDecisionHub_Data_Context.Action*twswirtdzap01| Proprietary information hidden|HTTP|NextBestAction|Decisioning|RunStrategy|AC2419C964BA365F145ECDF71ACEE239F*ServicePAL.HTTP.NextBestAction.Decisioning.RunStrategy*Rule-Declare-Expressions*CENTRALDECISIONHUB-DATA-CONTEXT INVOKERMSERVICEPOST #20160830T142549.507 GMT Step: 2 Circum: 0******pxDeclExprCtxFreeUseCount=3;pxRunStreamCount=2;pxServiceActivityElapsed=1.19;pxTotalReqCPU=0.07;pxRunModelCount=6;pxRunWhenCount=22;pxServiceInMapReqElapsed=0.00;pxRulesExecuted=133;pxTotalReqTime=1.20;pxActivityCount=37;pxAlertCount=1;pxOtherFromCacheCount=18;pxFlowCount=5;pxRunOtherRuleCount=12;pxConnectElapsed=1.13;pxDeclarativeRulesInvokedCount=13;pxInteractions=1;pxLegacyRuleAPIUsedCount=1;pxRuleCount=18;pxInputBytes=958;pxDeclarativeRulesInvokedElapsed=0.00;pxRuleIOElapsed=0.00;pxServiceCount=1;pxRulesUsed=350;pxRuleFromCacheCount=18;pxTrackedPropertyChangesCount=31;pxServiceDataVolume=958;*CentralDecisionHub-Data-CustomerData*NA*VZW-Int-RT-Ver001-RM-Service-Generic*pyTempActiveCampaignList*Java;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY CENTRALDECISIONHUB-DATA-CONTEXT INVOKERMSERVICEPOST #20160830T142549.507 GMT Step: 2 Circum: 0;doActivity Rule-Obj-Activity:InvokeRMServicePost;Call InvokeRMServicePost;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY CENTRALDECISIONHUB-DATA-CONTEXT GETACTIVECAMPAIGNLISTPOST #20160719T020733.780 GMT Step: 1 Circum: 0;20 additional frames in stack;*theRMRequestPage=[removed];pyTempPlaceHolder=[removed];AlertThreshold=[removed];*Connect-wait (2 connects) exceeds threshold.*[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,224 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "</logAlert:Message><logAlert:Exception></logAlert:Exception></logAlert:logAlert></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,225 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,225 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "0"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,225 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,225 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - >> "[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Content-Length: 423[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Content-Language: en[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000PhSBQ6MXpzGwkhaK8VhabrY:178l3rfgc; Path=/; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 16:18:27 GMT[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache=set-cookie[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - << "Set-Cookie: NSC_sue_qsqd_squ_bqq_mcwt=ffffffff0998028b45525d5f4f58455e445a4a42232a;path=/;httponly[\r][\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,271 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "<?xm"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "l version="1.0"?>[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "<soap:Envelope[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "xmlns:soap=""[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "xmlns:soapenc=""[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "xmlns:xsi=""[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "xmlns:xsd="">[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "<soap:Body>[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "<ns:logAlertResponse xmlns:ns="urn:PegaRULES:SOAP:PegaAES:Events" soap:encodingStyle=""/>[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "</soap:Body>[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:28,272 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.content) DEBUG - << "</soap:Envelope>[\n]"
2017-06-22 09:18:41,292 [Dispatcher-Thread-64] [ STANDARD] [ ] ( httpclient.wire.header) DEBUG - >> "POST /prweb/PRSOAPServlet HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
d) Couldnt find HLTH0001 messages in the AES Pega logs.
e) This DSS AES/SECURITY/AGENTS/NODEID has been rectified and we could find the PEGA 72 monitored node details under the enterprise health tab but the nodes are in UNKNOWN state.
Please find the attachment for the same.
Verizon Wireless
Hi Andy,
Regarding the PR nodes health information appear as Unknown(1) on AES server, would you recommend changing the condition on the Decision Table 'ServerStatus' for value "Minutes since last create date time" to ten minutes from five minutes .
Please find the attachment for the same.
Pegasystems Inc.
SR-B57903 has been opened to further investigate this issue.
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
On reviewing the SR, we see that the issue was resolved after deleting the following DSS settings and restarting all the monitored nodes.
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/enabled/default
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/interval/default
Owning Ruleset:Pega-Engine
Setting Purpose:prconfig/management/notifications/appender/default