AES monitored nodes not sending messages to AES node
We have just moved to AWS, using PRPC 7.2 on RHEL/tomcat/Oracle. WE have AES installed in QUA & PRO. Trying to port back to DEV system. copied QUA AES DB and restored to DEV, and removed to known instances. I can login to AES console, but no instances are recognised. From the monitored nodes, under Endpoint SOAP URL definition, Test Connectivity fails. In DEV, I don't see the PEGA0008 message on server startup coming thru (that I can see in QUA/PRO). AES server restarts first, before monitored nodes. If the Test Connectivity can succeed, why doesn't the monitored node send the PEGA0008 on startup?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****