Proceed flow from a dropdown selection
We have a flow that has multiple assignments. Inside each assignment, we have a custom button in a harness with a doSubmit() function that finishes the current assignment and to go the next assignment in the flow.The connector looks at the button name to go to the appropriate assignment.
However, we need to do the same from a dropdown (on-change). We are on 6.3 SP1 and I dont see an option to run a script from a dropdown on-change
Below is the custom button JS code that completes the current assignment and goes to the next assignment within a flow
function continueAccountOpen()
window.status=" ";
<button onclick="continueAccountOpen();document.getElementById('ButtonName').value='BttnCancel';doSubmit()" id='BttnCancel' class='littleButton' title="<pega:reference name='$save(MESSAGE-submit)'/>">
<span class='buttonLeft'></span>
<span class= 'buttonMiddle'>
<span class= 'buttonText' onmouseout="this.className='buttonText'" onmouseover="this.className='buttonTextHover'">Cancel</span>
<span class='buttonRight'></span>