Product file having only Database Rule is not getting imported.
- Stop Application Server
- Create schema
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "CREATE ROLE externalmktdata LOGIN PASSWORD 'externalmktdata' NOSUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE NOREPLICATION;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "CREATE SCHEMA externalmktdata AUTHORIZATION pega;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA externalmktdata TO pega;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA externalmktdata TO externalmktdata;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "ALTER ROLE ExternalMKTData SET search_path = externalmktdata, pegadata, public;"
- Add below line within pegarules tag /opt/tomcat/webapps/prweb/WEB-INF/classes/prconfig.xml
- <env name="database/drivers" value="/opt/tomcat/lib/postgresql.jar" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pega" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/userName" value="externalmktdata" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/password" value="externalmktdata" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/defaultSchema" value="externalmktdata" />
- Start Application Server.
Steps to reproduce
- Stop Application Server
- Create schema
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "CREATE ROLE externalmktdata LOGIN PASSWORD 'externalmktdata' NOSUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEDB CREATEROLE NOREPLICATION;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "CREATE SCHEMA externalmktdata AUTHORIZATION pega;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA externalmktdata TO pega;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA externalmktdata TO externalmktdata;"
- psql -U postgres -d pega -c "ALTER ROLE ExternalMKTData SET search_path = externalmktdata, pegadata, public;"
- Add below line within pegarules tag /opt/tomcat/webapps/prweb/WEB-INF/classes/prconfig.xml
- <env name="database/drivers" value="/opt/tomcat/lib/postgresql.jar" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pega" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/userName" value="externalmktdata" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/password" value="externalmktdata" />
- <env name="database/databases/ExternalMKTData/defaultSchema" value="externalmktdata" />
- Start Application Server.
Steps to reproduce
- Login as [email protected]
- Create a Database rule with below details
- Name: ExternalMKTData
- How to connect: use configuration in preferences
- In Advance tab > List other database > Add PegaDATA
- Logout and Login using different user credentials.
- Create a Product rule having only Database Rule “ExternalMKTData”. Create product file and download it.
- Delete database rule “ExternalMKTData”.
- Logout and Login as [email protected]
- Import earlier downloaded product file
Product file having only Database Rule is not getting imported.
There is no error in logs. But, one warning says “Database externalmktdata-tmp1493786976047 should be defined in the bootstrap preferences, but it is not there”.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***