
Citigroup Inc
Last activity: 3 Aug 2018 5:45 EDT
import external jar files into database
Hello Team,
I have followed the the approach given in below link to import external jars in pr_enginclasses
I have imported the jars in Custome Codeset with Custome codeset version. Aslo created DSS for bootstrap entry. But some how I am not able to use java classess. Nor able to build library. Can some one help on this
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Accepted Solution

Citigroup Inc
Issue is fixed by updating file. Added entry for custom codeset version. After above changes library compiled properly

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you check couple of thing here
1. Is the jar available in pr_engineclasses table
2. If the jar is supported here.
Also restart was done right?
Are you seeing any errors in log ?
Paulo Tonin Jess Park

Citigroup Inc
Yes, jars are available in pr_engineclasses. Also clean restart is done. Is there any other way to check if classes are loaded via bootstrap?
Machiel van Ampting Sebastian Johann

Pegasystems Inc.
You might want to check the below link , its an old article but should work fine
Also can you check this discussion, couple of steps are mentioned here as well
Abishek Sekar

Citigroup Inc
Checked above article as well. But to mention here for me , Same configuration is working in two environments (Dev/UAT) but not in Test. All environments have same configuration as same custome codeset used and all three environments have bootstrap properties file available pointing to Codeset veriosn. It is strange. Looking for other ways

Citigroup Inc
Checked above article as well. But to mention here for me , Same configuration is working in two environments (Dev/UAT) but not in Test. All environments have same configuration as same custome codeset used and all three environments have bootstrap properties file available pointing to Codeset veriosn. It is strange. Looking for other ways
Brendan Horan

Citigroup Inc
Any other way to check external classes present in pr_engineclasses through SMA in Class Management ?

Pegasystems Inc.
You should verify that the pega engine can 'see' your java class using SMA>>Advanced>>ETier Runtime environment lookup java class button. Make sure you enter the fully qualified class name.
Can you try this and see if it helps
Accepted Solution

Citigroup Inc
Issue is fixed by updating file. Added entry for custom codeset version. After above changes library compiled properly