Last activity: 14 Apr 2016 11:02 EDT
Error Message Screen Overlaps on Home Tab and never goes away
In Pega7 Interaction portal (we are using v7.1.9), we several times facing following issue where, while creating new work (which opens in new tab thread) or while processing and closing existing work (which closes the tab thread when done) if some exception occurs, some time that error gets displayed in home tab, isntaed of the tab where work was processing. I guess this happens when that new tab thread is not fully established, so the error finds it's way back to home tab thread.
When this happen, what ever you try, refresh browser, click Home tab , we cannot get rid of that message which inturn makes home tab unusable. only last option is to logoff and re login.
I remember in old version of pega (say v5.5), if we click top left pega icon, system use to run show desktop activity which inturn clear all errors and bring you back to main screen. Is there similar feature avilable for pega7, so that i can referance that in pega7 image at top left corner, so if any any issue which makes portal not in usable form, just click that to come back to way it was when you logged in.
Message was edited by: Marissa Rogers - Added Category