
Capgemini, Sweden
Last activity: 13 Jul 2017 23:52 EDT
Need to display page error message on screen
Hi All,
I have below requirement and need to show page messgaes on screen to user (or in a alert).
1. I have a harness and it has 1 section
2. In section, there is a button and calling local flow action (in modal window) on click of button.
3. On click of 'Ok' to submit modal window, errors gets generated on page (by validating data in an activity called on post flow action of local flow action. This page is not workpage of different class than that of harness and section.)
4. Now need to show that message of page to user by displaying on screen or in alert.
I tried to use @basecalss.errors section in harness but it is not working. Kindly suggest how can I implement it.