Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 20 Jan 2016 10:29 EST
VMWare Set up!!
i downloaded the exercise system but i didn't see any VMWare set up .exe file. Am i missing something?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Thanks Guru for your reply!! i downloaded and used 7zip to decompress the zip but still didn't get any .exe for VMWare.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sudip
Sorry, I didn't realize that you were looking for the VMWare Player. It's a free software; you can download it yourself from the VMWare website.
Generally its included in all of our exercise systems in a folder called 'applications'. I apologise if it's missed out for this course. We'll get it corrected.
Updated: 15 Dec 2015 14:25 EST
Hi Guru,
We have been given in the exercise guide as below
"Installing VMware Player On Windows VMware Player is an application that lets you run virtual machines. It is included in the PVS download.
1. Navigate to the applications subdirectory of your PVS setup directory.
2. Double click the VMware setup file, VMware-player-5.0.1-894247.exe.
3. Complete the installation accepting the defaults. "
But I am not able to find in Download Exercise system. Please help or share is the link to download VMWARE as it cost $249 in official site,
This is as part of CSSA - Senior system architect course
Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
VMware changed their license agreement. You can now download VMware Player from their website: http://www.vmware.com/products/player
Pegasystems Inc.
I've just downloaded the Exercise System and it still doesn't contain the VMWare player. Very confusing as the Quick Start Guide makes reference to it!!
Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for pointing this out, the "Quick Start Guide" will be updated accordingly.
So again, we are sorry for the inconvenience. We no longer distribute the VMware software since they changed their license agreement. You can now download VMware Player from their website: http://www.vmware.com/products/player