Phalanx Consultancy Limited
Last activity: 20 Jul 2015 8:09 EDT
Unable to display <> type elements in the case attachment
I am having problem displaying <XXXXX> type elements in the case attachment. Only the value inside the
<CdtTrfTxInf/PmtTpInf/SvcLvl/Cd>SEPA<CdtTrfTxInf/InstgAgt/FinInstnId/BIC>ABCDGB2L<CdtTrfTxInf/Cdtr/PstlAdr/AdrLine>Any Town<CdtTrfTxInf/UltmtDbtr/Nm>
element is getting displayed. For example the the source data contains when the attachment is shwoing only SEPAABCDGB2LAnyTown
The rest of the tags are getting truncated. Is this is a default Pega behaviour?
Is there a way to enable display of the entire contant of the string including tags / delimeters?