Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
Unable to deploy. Please verify Service type and Deployment options message
After upgrading from v5.5 to 7.1.9, when we open Service Package rules, in Context tab, deployment section we see error message in Deployment result which says "Unable to deploy. Please verify Service type and Deployment options. If problem persists, contact your system administrator and review log files for more information."and Service Class field in blank.
When i select appropriate Service class, then url is displaying in deployment result in following format. When i click the url i get Object not found.. error 404 please help ?
My Doubts are:
1> After upgrade do we need to do any changes for SOAP services Pega hosts ?
2> Is this wsdl url format correct ? in v5.5 the url format was like below in v7 it is different
3> We compared web.xml of v5.5 with that of v7.1 for this SoapServlet servlet mapping, only difference is in url-pattern v7 has at end /* . is this /* is mandatory to put ? and How to test whether /PRSoapServlet is up and running ?
in v5.5 it was
in v7.1.9 the servlet mapping has slight change in url-pattern with additional /* like below
<!-- SOAP interface to PegaRULES -->
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