Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 14 Dec 2016 16:42 EST
prpc.vmx not available
I downloaded the file for the exercise system, but prpc.vmx is not available as explained in the quick start guide. The only available file to select from vmware is vApp-ML9.vmx. When I run this file, I am presented with the following, and am unable to access the exercise system:
Pega Academy Exercise Environment started 2015-11-04 at 13:46:28
Allow 3-4 minutes after starting before attempting to access pega
To access pega, open a browser of your choice and enter the URL:
If the web page is not available, use this URL instead:
vapp login:
I have never seen this before from vmware. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Unfortuantely there was a change to the Customer Service image which does not correspond to the Quick Start Guide. It sounds like you have the VMWare image started. The VMWare image runs Ubuntu as the operating system and that is what you are seeing. You will communicate with this VMWare image through your web browser.
In order to login to Pega 7 and the Customer Service image you will need to open your browser and go to http://vapp:9080 this should direct you to the Pega 7 login page.
Hope this helps,
Pega Academy Support Team
Ernst & Young LLP
Thanks for the reply, Sean. I am unable to access the exercise system from this address, and the other one provided for when this one does not work. Any other suggestions?
Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry about that. There is an easy fix, if you open your VMWare player settings and change the Network Adapter from Custom to NAT and restart the VM everything will work as expected. The hostname might still be an issue but you'll be able to login using the IP address that is specified in the window.
There will be an updated VM image available early tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's active.
Ernst & Young LLP
Thanks for the update, Tom. For some reason I am unable to adjust the settings for this virtual machine. Ones for past courses are editable, but not this one. Will check back tomorrow.
Thanks again,
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Andrew,
If you go to the Dowloading the Exercise lesson what do you see?
Ernst & Young LLP
I see the screen explaining the pvs, and can access the download link again, but the file has the same file name as the previous version I downloaded.
Pegasystems Inc.
It will have the same name. Let me know if you load it and are still getting the error.
Ernst & Young LLP
Hey Tom,
I got the same error from this file, but I was able to change the network adapter to NAT, and after restarting, it is working fine using the second address provided.
Thanks again for the help,
Pegasystems Inc.
Your very welcome, thanks for the update.
I'm going to investigate why that file isn't correct. Using the IP address to access the VM is the best approach.
Pegasystems Inc.
Does anyone know the username and password to login to Ubuntu server?
ID: administrator
PWD: password