Wells Fargo
Last activity: 31 Aug 2015 14:19 EDT
Need to stop all outgoing emails in an existing application.
Hi all,could you please suggest the best way to stop all outgoing emails in an existing application. I have stopped the send-corr agent and all the email listeners which does help in stopping emails sent in between processing the work-objects but doesn’t stop the submission emails .We are trigerring the submission emails through an activity but we don't want to touch the activity since we want to make the changes in Production.Could you please suggest any way to stop emails through configuration changes.This application is in 6.3Version .Thanks in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for your query. This is been passed to the appropriate Support Team members and someone will contact you.
Andrew Fontenelle
PDN Support Team
Wells Fargo
Thanks Andrew :)
Pegasystems Inc.
When I saw the thread title, I was going to suggest disabling the SendCorr agent :)
If you have an activity that directly contacts an smtp server and sends an email, my first thought is to ask what control you have over that smtp server.
Pegasystems Inc.
And also what control over the activity itself. For instance, in a production ruleset, you could comment out the step that calls SendEmailNotification.
Wells Fargo
Hi Marik,
Thanks fo your response , I don't think the activity has a direct control over the smtp server.Also i cannot comment any activity steps (which i know stops the submission mails) .Please suggest if any configuration changes can be done to fix this .
Create a DSS variable and refer it in your activity. This way, you can change the setting on need basis in production,
Hi All,
I think if you update the email account which uses to send the out going emails would stop sending emails.Here you can reset the password or port and do test connectivity.
Areteans Technology
Remember changing the SMTP connection will leave the items as broken queues. Probably have to save your activity in prod rulesets and comment the activity for a cleaner approach of sending emails.
Depending on the need you could go onto the infrustructure and have a file block the communication between the PEGA server and the SMTP server, or have the account the email is sent under decomissioned. Not sure the reason for the change but those might work.