How to include section from page group
Hi all,
I've been stumped by something that should be very simple.
I currently have many copies of sections with text controls which refer to properties in this fashion:
First section: .MyPageGroup(FistItem).Property1, .MyPageGroup(FistItem).Property2, etc.
Second section: .MyPageGroup(SecondItem).Property1, .MyPageGroup(SecondItem).Property2, etc.
Third section: idem.
Every section has his/her own flow actions and every flow action has his/her own flows.
Well, since Pega is all about re-use, I tried to simplify, but I have hit some problems:
First, It seems to be impossible to include a section in a section using a page group reference.
I have created a section in the class of MyPageGroup. In the original section I try to include that section, setting the reference to "Use clipboard" and setting .MyPageGroup(FistItem) as the page to use. Checked that page was added to the Pages&Properties tab (it was) and save. But when displaying the section the included section is not present.
Second, Referencing a page group with a parameter doesn't work. So, .MyPageGroup(param.Pagegroup) will always lead to an error.
Third, it does not seem to be able to parameterize a flow action. That parameters tab is not present. This breaks the "parameter chain" from section to flow.
Am I missing something blatantly obvious here?