how to refer Page group from a page lIst
A code Pega List page cpl has pxResults (page List) for each of these lists there is page Group pxPages()(this page structure we get if we use joins in a report defination).
I have a repeated layout (pg List code-page-list)-each row has pxResults page,Now each row has a button ,for that button i need to call an Activity which takes a parameter, and parameter value = .pxPages(W).pxAssignedOperatorID
If in repeated Layout for the button in Actions call activity and send parameter value as .pxPages(W).pxAssignedOperatorID and save the section ---then I get the error message invalid page reference
thus I think i need to define the context in Pages and Classes in a section
which of the below options may be correct or I am missing anything?
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults.pxPages Assign-WorkList
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults() <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults().pxPages() Assign-WorkList
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults.pxPages() Assign-WorkList
should I use () fro pxResults while defining in Pages and Classes
and how should I type the parameter value for activity call on action for the button
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories***