
Ness Technologies
Last activity: 6 Sep 2017 12:13 EDT
Page group inside a Page List
A code Pega List page cpl has pxResults (page List) for each of these lists there is page Group pxPages().
How to define it in Pages and Classes
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Pegasystems Inc.
I'm not sure that you need to define the page group as long as you have defined the class of the results. Have you tried defining just the cpl page and it's results like this:
CPLPageList Code-Pega-List
CPLPageList.pxResults <Results Class>

you can also specify ".pxPages()" as page name with the page obj class as the class of the page.
Maybe you can give us some additional details so we'd be able to help some more?

Ness Technologies
A code Pega List page cpl has pxResults (page List) for each of these lists there is page Group pxPages()(this page structure we get if we use joins in a report defination).
I have a repeated layout (pg List code-page-list)-each row has pxResults page,Now each row has a button ,for that button i need to call an Activity which takes a parameter, and parameter value = .pxPages(W).pxAssignedOperatorID
If in repeated Layout for the button in Actions call activity and send parameter value as .pxPages(W).pxAssignedOperatorID and save the section ---then I get the error message invalid page reference
thus I think i need to define the context in Pages and Classes in a section
which of the below options may be correct or I am missing anything?
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults.pxPages Assign-WorkList
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults() <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults().pxPages() Assign-WorkList
cpl Code-Pega-List
cpl.pxResults <Class say A-B-C>
cpl.pxResults.pxPages() Assign-WorkList
should I use () fro pxResults while defining in Pages and Classes
and how should I type the parameter value for activity call on action for the button

Did you try .pxPages() as the page name?

Lloyds Technology Center
Hi Kumar, did you get the solution for this. if so, please let me know. even I faced the same issue.

Please define like below. it will work