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Is it possible to disable operator to prevent him to login to PEGA apps?
Assume you are referring to a production-acceptable external authentication method (LDAP, SSO, etc) not OOTB basic authentication.
Look at Designer Studio -> Records -> System -> Authentication Service
For example: SSOSampleAuthActivity
If step 4 (Call VerifySecurityToken-GMT) fails, the Activity jumps to Step 16 (SH) where an AppAuthenticateFailure screen is displayed.
In your case you want to do the same someone you do not want to log in.
How to handle scenario where the User is still present in Organization (LDAP) but has moved to different team.
As a result, we need to restrict its access to a particular Application.
This is in the scenario where User's AD Group is same and want to disable a Profile from Pega itself.
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