
TalkTalk Plc
Last activity: 30 Nov 2016 5:30 EST
Design popup from from activity with close and action button.
Hi All ,
Below code is used for display with popup from from activity with close and action button as well as header and some extra messages.
Use either Show-HTML or Show-Stream method in activity.
Here 'Reject' is the action button and 'close' is the close button for closeing the popup.
<pega:include name="SafeURLInclude" type="Rule-HTML-Fragment" />
<script type='text/javascript'>
function RejectCase()
var oUrl = new SafeURL("ClassName.ActivityName");
function CancelRequest()
<title> Please Confirm and proceed </title>
<p>The Profile for this Case ID is not REJECTED in DDBS. Do you still want to REJECT this Case ID from RCT ? </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Click "REJECT" to Reject the Case in RCT.This will cause a discrepancy in the status with DDBS</p><br>
<p>Click "CANCEl" to cancel this request</p>
<table width='50%' cellpadding='0px' cellspacing='0px'>
<td><button onclick='RejectCase()' type="button">REJECT</button></td><td><button onclick='CancelRequest()' type="button">CANCEL</button></td>
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update Categories***