
Incessant Technologies
Last activity: 30 Sep 2015 7:19 EDT
configuring SLA re-attempt time
Is there any way to configure SLA interval time for re-attempts & max number of attempts. Also, if the SLA is in broken-process queue then is there any way to run all the broken items at a certain time by configuration.
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We had requirement for automating the change of status of broken items. For that Pega OOTB supports only 200 items at a time. You can go to Open Portal --> Reports --> Broken Items --> Select the items and click on Requeue.
In our case, the user wanted to change the status of 1000 items at a time, if need be. This was achieved by writing a custom activity. OOTB it is not supported.

Pegasystems Inc.
> Is there any way to configure SLA interval time for re-attempts & max number of attempts.
yes and yes, if you are more specific with your business need and specify your PRPC version, I'd be glad to go into more detail.

Incessant Technologies
Hi Ken,
We are using 7.1.8 version. There is no specific business need for this use case but found out that if the SLA is unable to get the lock on the work object then it is deferred for 15 mins. Please let us know if this can be changed by any means.

Incessant Technologies
HI Ken,
Found out a DSS named "SLALockRetryInterval" which can be used to set the re-try time.

Virtusa Corp.
Hi Shyam,
SLALockRetryInterval is an Rule-System-Setting not an DSS

You can update the SLALockRetryInterval RSS based on the environment level, so that the queue manager reaches a work object which is locked can retry after the time mentioned by default it is 15minutes or 900000 millisec.

Incessant Technologies
It is actually Rule System Setting only, mistake done in excitement :).