
Capgemini Financial Services USA
Last activity: 1 Apr 2015 14:58 EDT
Certification Pre requisite for LSA 7.1
I want to appear Pega CLSA 7.1 and I am a CSSA Plus CLSA 6.2 P1 certified.
I am not a CSSA 6 or 7 certified and completed my CSSA in 5.5 version 3 years back.
Will I able to give CLSA 7.1 ? Or Is it required to be certified in CSSA 7.1 ??
Can you clarify?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rakesh,
You should have received an email response to your question, but I will provide an answer here as well:
In order to appear for the CSLA 7.1 App Build, you must have passed the CLSA 7.1 Part 1 exam.
Your options are:
- Register for the CLSA 6.2 App Build (please do so immediately as this exam will be retired at the end of March)
- If you wish to be certified on CLSA 71. you will need to
- Review the Lead System Architect 7.1 training in Pega Academy,
- Sit for and pass the CLSA 7.1 Part 1 Pearson Vue exam
- Take the CLSA 7.1 App Build.

Thanks for your inquiry. You should know that CLSA Part 1 is the 1st Part of a two-part program leading to Certified Lead System Architect (CLSA). The successful completion of CLSA 6.2 Part 1 means you have the opportunity to attempt the Application Build – Part 2 - activity. Based on what you have stated in your email it seems that you are well on the way toward undertaking your CLSA. There is no barrier to a person who has qualified as CSSA in an older version to sit for a more recent / current version – and your CSSA from 3 years ago is your ticket to upgrade to CLSA. So you will be able to earn CLSA 7.1 provided your part 1 and Part 2 are both in Pega 7.
There is no certificate issued for passing Part 1- all it does is qualify the candidate for the App Build which, if you are planning on certifying in 6.2 you should schedule very quickly as the Version 6.2 Part 1 Exam expires at the end of this week and the Part 2 App Build process is retired as of the end of March in favor of the Pega 7 CLSA. If you earn CLSA in Version 6.2 by the end of March you will still need to complete the Leveraging Pega 7 Course to earn the Pega 7 Ready Badge. Our recommendation is that you sit for the Pega 7 Part 1 if there is even a remote chance that you won’t complete the CLSA Part 2 App Build before the end of March.
Thanks for your inquiry. You should know that CLSA Part 1 is the 1st Part of a two-part program leading to Certified Lead System Architect (CLSA). The successful completion of CLSA 6.2 Part 1 means you have the opportunity to attempt the Application Build – Part 2 - activity. Based on what you have stated in your email it seems that you are well on the way toward undertaking your CLSA. There is no barrier to a person who has qualified as CSSA in an older version to sit for a more recent / current version – and your CSSA from 3 years ago is your ticket to upgrade to CLSA. So you will be able to earn CLSA 7.1 provided your part 1 and Part 2 are both in Pega 7.
There is no certificate issued for passing Part 1- all it does is qualify the candidate for the App Build which, if you are planning on certifying in 6.2 you should schedule very quickly as the Version 6.2 Part 1 Exam expires at the end of this week and the Part 2 App Build process is retired as of the end of March in favor of the Pega 7 CLSA. If you earn CLSA in Version 6.2 by the end of March you will still need to complete the Leveraging Pega 7 Course to earn the Pega 7 Ready Badge. Our recommendation is that you sit for the Pega 7 Part 1 if there is even a remote chance that you won’t complete the CLSA Part 2 App Build before the end of March.
On another note, we suggest you modify your PDN PROFILE so that your Professional email address and your Alternate email address(es) both appear in your Profile. Your certifications are not correctly associated with your PDN username. You need to update your PDN Profile with the email address that you used with Pearson Vue for your certifications. Please follow the instructions linked here:
Best regards,

Michael - Thank you for the detailed explanation, however, I would like to re-iterate some of these questions/ explanation and make sure I get this straight.
1. Can I appear for CLSA 7.1 Part 2 exam with a pass in CLSA 6.2 Part 1 exam ?
In other words, is CLSA 7.1 Part 1, the only eligible pre-requisite version to take up CLSA 7.1 Part 2 exam ?
2. How about the lower 2 levels of certifications i.e CSA and CSSA ? Does CSA and CSSA also needs to be completed in 7.1 versions to be eligible for CLSA 7.1 Part 1 (and part 2, ofcourse).
Thank you and keep up the good work!

Pegasystems Inc.
You must pass CLSA 7.1 Part 1 in order to appear for CLSA Part 2. However, you may have completed CSA and CSSA on any version.

Thank you 'Holzs'. Appreciate your quick response.