
NJ Courts
Last activity: 26 Feb 2016 14:40 EST
Corrections in LSA 7.1
I have noticed in Public / Engine API, that 2 of the runtime packages descriptions are incorrect.
Below screen shows that FUAReusable and Function Interfaces have Descriptions copied over from StreamBuilder and Activity Interfaces.
Kindly fix this.
Interface | Description |
Activity |
Activity interface is implemented by the Java which is generated by First-Use Assembly based on Rule-Obj-Activity instances. |
Function |
Activity interface is implemented by the Java which is generated by First-Use Assembly based on Rule-Obj-Activity instances. |
FUAReusable |
StreamBuilder interface is implemented by the Java which is generated by First-Use Assembly based on Rule-Stream instances. |
StreamBuilder |
StreamBuilder interface is implemented by the Java which is generated by First-Use Assembly based on Rule-Stream instances. |
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Pegasystems Inc.
We will bring this to the attention of the Pega Engine development team.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for pointing this out. This is a documentation issue on the JavaDocs shipped as part of the product, will notify the team and we will modify the screenshot accordingly.

One more correction: In the Upgrading Flows in Production Lesson in Case Design, under the section,
Approach 1: Revert the user’s ruleset to the original, lower versions,
the screenshot is the same as for
Approach 3: Add tickets to control processing of existing assignments.
Please feedeback to the Academy team.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Cryptosun, we will correct that as well

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Cryptosun, we will correct that as well

The screenshots in the Upgrading Flows in Production lesson have been corrected.

NJ Courts
In Topic - Understanding the Difference between Work and Task SLAs , Rule References image for pySLAGoal is repeated for pyHistoryType

Pegasystems Inc.
The correct History-Work- figure has been uploaded.
The online content will be show this correction shortly,
Thank you for pointing this out.

Virtusa Corp.
In the "Administration" subject of Lead Systems Architect 7.1 course, there are issues with the Quiz in the lesson of "Monitoring And Diagnosing Development Systems".
1. In 3rd question, the correct answer combination is not available.
2. For the 4th question, the radio button of the correct answer is getting unselected, when submitting the quiz.
3. For the 5th question, the checkbox of the 1st answer is getting selected when submitting the quiz.
Because of these issues, the lesson could not be completed.

Pegasystems Inc.
We're looking at it. Thanks for pointing this out.

Virtusa Corp.
In the "Automating Business Policies: Case Study" lesson of CLSA 7.1 course, the solution could not be downloaded. Following message appears when the download link is clicked:
"Unable to open the attachment. You lack the required permissions."

Pegasystems Inc.
Noted. We are looking into it.

Pegasystems Inc.
Noted. We are looking into it.


I can see this is corrected now. Thanks.

In CLSA 7 Cource, Advanced Ruleset Configuration-> Quiz, Question 1 rules set name is given wrongly, it should be ClaimsFWInt.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for pointing this out. Content authors have been notified.

In the case study for "User Interface", it requires importing of a base application "Travel.zip". However, there are no links provided anywhere to obtain that file, including sidebar "Related". Where else can I obtain that file?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you click the "Download Solution" link at the bottom on the UI Case Study page, a file named "User Interface.zip" will be downloaded.
Within that zip archive is a file named "Trip.jar".
There are four other files in that zip, for example "UI_CaseStudy_Solution.jar".

Thanks! Is it possible to update the contents of the case study too? It seems like a totally different file name is now used.

Pegasystems Inc.
I have informed the content group that the file name mentioned in the UI Case Study page should be "Trip.jar" and not "Travel.zip".
The change will likely occur today.
Thank you for pointing this out and helping us improve the course for everyone's benefit.

TL-4239034 is refering to a property called “.pyLSAName” instead of “.pySLAName”.
Kindly correct this.
Understanding the Difference between Work and Task SLAs
Work SLAs
It is also possible to define “.pySLAGoal” and “.pySLADeadline” DateTime properties on each case. For these properties to take effect, the ServiceLevel rule represented by “.pyLSAName” must be configured to use those properties as the Goal and Deadline times, respectively.

Pegasystems Inc.
The typo has been reported. Thanks for pointing it out.

Would it be possible to get a hide / unhide option for the left panel.
This will help us with reading. As such I am relying heavily on horizontal scrolling to read.
Unlike other courses LSA7 is mostly reading and not watching vedios. (also SSA7)
Hence please make our reading experience better by providing us this option.

Pegasystems Inc.
Your request was forwarded but the response was the same as the one I would have provided.
Your said:
Would it be possible to get a hide / unhide option for the left panel. This will help us with reading. As such I am relying heavily on horizontal scrolling to read.
All 7.1 courses are built using 7.1's "Responsive" UI. There is no horizontal scrolling. When you shrink the UI horizontally, the left panel automatically hides itself. Also components on the right move downward.
What browser are you using where you are seeing horizontal scroll bar? Are you perhaps using an older IE browser that is set to use "quirks" mode, i.e., non-HTML5 compatibility mode?

TL-4239064 has one typo in "Database Architecture" lesson. Its refering to a column called pxpvStream instead it should have been pzpvStream.
... can also be mapped as external classes, the primary difference being the external classes do not have Pega specific columns such as pzInsKey, pxpvStream and so on.
Kindly correct this.

Pegasystems Inc.
I will forward that correction as well/

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you identify where you are seeing a "Database Architecture" lesson within the 7.1 Lead System Architect course? Please start from the major topic, e.g.,"Architecture", then mention the lesson, e.g., "JEE and PRPC", then the page within that lesson.

Bernving Associated
It is probably the JEE And PRPC - Class Loading and Custom Classes last part of the text

Sure, I shall remember the suggestion while posting new requests.
pxpvStream was found at Architecture > JEE And PRPC > Database Architecture
It has been corrected now, thanks PEDEI

The very first line found in the lesson Architecture > PRPC Caches > Rule Assembly Cache does not make sense. Its either missing some words or it requires rephrasing. Kindly tackle this.
"Rules Assembly is the process whereby all of the rules which are run by the Pega 7 system for which Java compilation and generation is needed and completed."

Regarding the "hide / unhide option for the left panel"
Never had scrolling issues with Google Chrome; reading experience is great.
Issues were with IE8, while I am at work. Unfortunately it is the only browser allowed.
My IE8 browser window is always at 100% ; zooming-in brings the horizontal scroll.
So if we could have a hiding option for the left panel similar to what we have in the
developer studio it would be great.

Please confirm if the following Quiz has the right options to choose from.
Administration > Monitoring And Diagnosing Development Systems > 12 Quiz > 3rd Question #
Which of the following step impacts application performance and must be tracked in a development system? (Choose Three)
Apologies, this quiz works fine. I withdraw my request.

Integration > Configuring Message Based Integration > Terms and Architecture > Publish-and-Subscribe Model
The picture representing the Model is wrong.
It is shown as Publisher - Queue - Subscriber(s)
Instead it shoud have been ...
Publisher - Topic - Subscriber(s)
Kindly make the correction.

Pegasystems Inc.
Regarding "Administration > Monitoring And Diagnosing Development Systems > 12 Quiz > 3rd Question", the official answer is:
- The 2nd answer is definitely not correct since not relevant to performance.
- Answers 1 and 3 definitely are things that can be done in development and are relevant to performance.
- Answer 5 cannot be found in PLA and also the lesson covers that only alerts impacting counts should be focused on development system.
- Hence the 3rd correct answer is 4, i.e., checking the compliance score.

Pegasystems Inc.
Regarding "hide / unhide option for the left panel"..
I asked whether pxRequestor.pyUserAgent could be used in a When rule that is used to hide/unhide a button placed in the header to the left.
The button would only be visible for legacy browsers such as IE8.
Clicking the button would hide/unhide the Nav panel.

Pegasystems Inc.
Regarding the picture representing the Model in: Integration > Configuring Message Based Integration > Terms and Architecture > Publish-and-Subscribe Model
The curriculum developer for this lesson has been notified. Yet to receive a response.

Pegasystems Inc.
Below course contents seems to imply there is a landing page, accessable from Designer stuido, which helps to import external jar files into pega DB.
Architecture > JEE And PRPC > Class Loading and Custom Classes
To load external java into the PRPC database, one may directly import class and jar files from the Import gadget in Designer Studio.
However the only article regarding this operation that I can find on PDN is below which describes a quite different approach.

Pegasystems Inc.
The title of the PDN article is misleading.
That PDN article is specifically about importing jar using a script.
>> Admin wants to automate the process using command line scripts.
The 6.2 LSA course contains the follwing lesson: Integration -> Java Integration
Simply use: Applicaiton ->Distribution -> Import

Pegasystems Inc.
>> The very first line found in the lesson Architecture > PRPC Caches > Rule Assembly Cache does not make sense ....
The sentence has been improved.

Pegasystems Inc.
Wrong java package name in the [correct answer] option 2.
Case Design > Process and Engine APIs > Quiz
Which Engine API class is referenced with the keyword “tools”? (Choose One)
1. com.pega.pegarules.pub.PegaRULES
2. com.pega.pegarules.pub.PublicAPI <-- should be com.pega.pegarules.pub.runtime.PublicAPI
3. com.pega.pegarules.pub.context.PRSessionContext
4. com.pega.pegarules.pub.context.Engine

Pegasystems Inc.
Activity name incorrect.
Correct one is "ToProblemFlowOperator".
Case Design > Upgrading Flows in Production
Important: As a best practice, override the default workbasket or problem operator settings in the getProblemFlowOperator routing activity in our application to meet our requirements.

Pegasystems Inc.
Both of your corrections have been noted and forwarded.
They will be fixed shortly.
Thank you for pointing them out.

Pegasystems Inc.
Business Rules > Features and Behavior of Triggers
The last paragraph is misleading. It sounds like
1. a trigger is responsible for tracking the value change of properties.
2. a trigger will be executed if a property value get changed
Pega 7 creates a clipboard page named pyDeclarativeContext that is available during the life of the trigger activity. This page is of type Code-Pega-DeclarativeContext and has a value list of the changed properties. In some cases it may be useful to programmatically examine this page to see which properties caused the trigger to execute.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is your suggestion that the last paragraph about Declare Triggers can be confused with Declare OnChange?
- The Trigger Activity does not run until the Trigger fires AND certain conditions are met depending how the Trigger is configured..
- A page named "pyDeclarativeContext" is implicitly made available for that Activity > IF < it executes.
- The Trigger Activity can programmatically refer to that page to determine what properties caused it to execute.
We could add a sentence prior to the last paragraph that reinforces (1) and (2). Would that help?

Pegasystems Inc.
>Is your suggestion that the last paragraph about Declare Triggers can be confused with Declare OnChange?
Yes, I think it is more natrual to introduce "pyDeclarativeContext" in the next lesson about OnChange rule.
Since OnChange is the rule designed to track value change of properties and considering one OnChange rule can track multiple properties, there are chances that developers may want to know which properties caused the OnChange Activity to execute.
>3.The Trigger Activity can programmatically refer to that page to determine what properties caused it to execute.
Is it appropriate to say "a property" can cause the Trigger Activity to execute ?
Isn't it a database event like "save" or "delete" triggers the Trigger Activity to execute?

Pegasystems Inc.
I will forward your suggestion about OnChange. Obj-Save and Obj-Delere add to the deferred list. The "trigger" event is when a Commit is issued I would think. Properties do not cause Commits to be issued - Activities decide that. The values of certain Properties may be evaluated to decide whether or not to call a certain Trigger's Activity. That Activity may want to know the values of the Properties that caused the Activity to be executed. Does that make sense?

Pegasystems Inc.
>The "trigger" event is when a Commit is issued I would think.
Help document of Declare Trigger rule states, that Obj-Save or Obj-Delete is the valid option for trigger event. "Committed save" or "Committed delete" is distinct option from "Save" and "Delete".
Field |
Description |
Trigger When an Instance Is |
>The "trigger" event is when a Commit is issued I would think.
Help document of Declare Trigger rule states, that Obj-Save or Obj-Delete is the valid option for trigger event. "Committed save" or "Committed delete" is distinct option from "Save" and "Delete".
Field |
Description |
Trigger When an Instance Is |
If you want processing to occur whether the instance is deleted or saved, create two Declare Trigger rules, one for each situation. |
However below description in the same help document sounds like a trigger activity always runs during database commits. Hence, I am confused again :-(
Trigger Activity | |
Name |
Cick( If
>That Activity may want to know the values of the Properties that caused the Activity to be executed. Does that make sense?
The concept of "Properties cause the Trigger Activity to execute" doesn't make sense for me, however It might be possible that a trigger activity can evaluate the properties listed under the "..One of these properties was modified" section which appears only when you choose "Saved and..." for "Trigger When an Instance Is" option.

Pegasystems Inc.
I will see if the wording can be improved by forwarding your comments. My understanding is that there are conditions that decide whether or not the Trigger should be considered at all based on the event, such as Obj-Save as you pointed out, plus there are conditions derived from Property values that are evaluated to decide whether or not to call the Trigger Activity - that Activity allowed to "introspect" the Properties that caused It to be invoked.

Pegasystems Inc.
I followed below instruction, however Approval Process did not work as expected.
Automating Business Policies > Delegating Rules to the Business User > Approval Process
After making these changes in the ruleset we need to:
- Include Work-RuleCheckin as a workpool in the access group of the users.
- Enable Allow rule checkout for each of those Operator IDs responsible for making changes.
- Add the ruleset named CheckInCandidates to the Access group for the operators who are approving the check-ins.
- Make sure the operators who are approving the rules get an access role with the privilege UpdatePrivateRuleSets.
When I tried to approve a check in request, I got below message.
Errors: |