
Last activity: 25 Sep 2015 9:27 EDT
Assignment SLA Agent
I am sharing my understandings about assignment SLA.
1. SLA is computed through Pega-ProCom SLA agent (ServiceLevelEvents).
2. ServiceLevelEvents agent is of type Standard. This is task driven agent, and will check entries available in System-Queue-ServiceLevel class.
3. SLA agent will process the queue as per the settings and perform the needful for the assignment and work object. Since this is a Standard type agent, all transactions like lock handling and all will be done its own. Also, if any work object is locked by any other requestor, the entry will be moved to broken queue ( changing the status to indicate it is broken)
My questions are,
1. How the assignment will be queued to this SLA agent? What is the process behind this?
2. Will multiple entries be queued to this agent for Goal, Deadline and Repeating intervals? if yes, how the queueing will happen?
Please clarify these...
Thanks in advance,
Anoop S V