
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 11 Aug 2017 8:46 EDT
Ask the Expert - Localization & Accessibility with Shahi Naquash & Srinivas Kakani
Join Shahi Naquash & Srinivas Kakani in this month's Ask the Expert session on Localization and Accessibility!
- Follow the Product Support Community's Community Rules of Engagement
- This is not a Live Chat - Shahi & Srinivas will reply to your questions over the course of this two-week event
- Questions should be clearly and succinctly expressed
- Questions should be of interest to many others in the audience
- Have fun!
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Cognizant Technology Solutions
I am using a PRPC 7.2.2. As per my knowledge we cant use Page.Property inside field value rules yet. So will it be available in later versions?

Pegasystems Inc.
We don't have the support for Page.Property as of now in the latest versions of Pega. But we do have the idea of supporting this configuration in our feature roadmap.
Shahi Naquash

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Sudip,
We had a similiar use case on my current project, in that case the 'Page' was a data page; in this instance we used a declare expression to propogate a property on the same page as the FV in order to surface the value (a count).

Hi Srinivas,
Have seen a post on mesh from you related to validations on click of back button . Is the fix available in 7.1.9?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Binod,
For better clarity, can you post the link to the post you refer to?
DINESH KR David Casado Malladi Venkat Raju

It is a mesh link Validations for screen flow
Updated: 3 Aug 2017 10:08 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I think I got it but for the benefit of the other community members - the internal mesh post identifies that validations are not fired on click on back button in Pega 7.1.8.
I hope this is the question you are asking?

The mesh post identifies that there are validations fired on back button in 7.1.8 when they should be not. Expecting the same behaviour in 7.1.9

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Binod- Validations in screen flows have two different patterns based on how we navigate back and forth. Validations are fired when using the breadcrumbs / tabs, but not when the back button. This behavior is available from ML8.
Is there any specific behavior that you are looking for?

hi Srinivas,
We are looking for a behaviour which does not do any validations(both server and client ) on click of breadcrumbs/tabs. I have read a post from you on mesh which says it is possible and is fixed in later versions. Can you please help. I have observed that behaviour of both the scenarios(click of breadcrumbs and click of back button ) is the same and it is firing client side validations / edit validate on the properties .

Pegasystems Inc.
hi Binod- The default behavior is what I described earlier. We did try to overload a configuration check box on the assignment shape (an unchecked Perform post-processing when navigating away from step) to mean ignoring validations when going back and forth. This was mainly done with offline scenarios as the target usecases. However, this was reverted out at the late stages. I assume you are referring to this change related mesh document.
The screenflow harness is available rule, and the buttons are customizable. The behavior of not triggering validations when using the back button can be configured. The button has a runscript action to call pega.u.d.submit By passing "pyActivity=GoToPreviousTask&previousAssignment=true" as a parameter to this call, the client validations can be turned off.
Also, I think, you can try to force validations to be ignored by setting pyFlowData.pyDeferErrors (again, I think, from "pyGetFlowDataDefaults" activity).
And finally I want to add that we have some ideas in the backlog to streamline these behaviors further (as yet unprioritized and still at an idea stage).
Hope that helps.

Hi Srinivas,
Thank you for your response. The setting works for a client side validation / javascript validation. However it still fires the edit validate validation defined on the properties . Is this an expected behaviour? Just try with a simple edit validate which returns false ; unconditionally and use it in a property. In either of the ways (Using breadcrumb links / back button) it does not allow us to go to the previous step and shows the error as in the document.

Greenfield AG
Hi Srinivas
Can you, please, help with the question described in my topic. It has connection to localization of reports too.
Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Looked at your question. As a feature, I think we do support the scenario that you described. This needs some digging before we can get back on that. Either Shahi or I will be respond back on the original thread.

Hello, I have some misunderstandings around the localization tool's prerequisites. A description of my question is wide enough, so created a distinct post for it https://collaborate.pega.com/question/localisation-tool-prerequisites
Thank you.

Hello. I faced an issue while was utilizing the Localization Wizard. I downloaded a zip-file, unpacked, provided changes to TextToTranslate.xml, packed a zip and uploaded the new file to Pega application.
Here is a more verbose explanation of my issue:
Thank you for a help.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Oleksandr
I have added my reply in your post, the URL for which you have provided in the comments.
Thank you.

Hi Srinivas,
Is there any restriction present for accessing Pega from MAC book?
Our application is built in Pega 7.1.8 and we have IAC configured to access application externally. Our application is running in cloud.
When the user tried to access our application using Chrome browser in her MAC book below exception occurred[User accessed IAC link].
Exception: PRGATEWAY EXCEPTION @ error- response form PRPC.

Pegasystems Inc.
There is no restrictions on accessing Pega content from a Mac machine. Chrome on Mac is supported. Note that starting with Pega 7.2.1, we support Pega WebMashup without needing a gateway.
Unfortunately, the provided information is not enough for me to make any educated guesses as to what is causing it. Please check your PRPC logs to see if there is more information. Make sure that your prgateway setting are fine. If still need more help, please create a different thread so more people could participate on the specific kind of issue.

Hi Srinivas,
we are using a repeating grid (used in both Editable and Read only). we are showing status as Image (Lock and unlock symbols) and we have written tooltips for these images. So when i do TAB from start of the screen, control will skip this and goes to next. is this Fine? Will there be any chance of failure when using any of the accessibility tools?
In general, Is using Images in grids is fine with respect to accessible users?

Pegasystems Inc.
I think we can all agree that images are not accessible! So ideally it would be good to avoid them when conveying information that could be text.
I'm assuming you have a section include with visibility conditions on Lock/Unlock images. Out of box, we have a when rule "isAccessible" which tests for the access group setting for accessibility. You can configure your section to show either text or icon based on that when rule to drive the cell visibility conditions.
We do generate the title text configured as the alt text of the image as well. And in a repeat grid, we can always focus the first column in the grid using the tab key. And any other column that has an actionable element (button/link/image with actions configured on it) can be focused using tab key. To access data-only columns in any grid, the user needs to use table navigation mechanism of the screen reader instead of using the tab key.
Hope that helps

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you to everyone for your questions and thanks to Srinivas and Shahi for being our experts on this Ask the Experts session!