
Charles Schwab
Last activity: 23 Feb 2017 6:14 EST
Agent Configuration on Multi Node environemnt
We have to Configure an agent in an environment where in we have multiple nodes. Currently I am using standard agent. I have to configure my agent such that say i have 10000 WO and i have 4 nodes, i have to distribute load equally among all the nodes(say 2500 each randomly or say 1-2500 and 2501 to 5000 etc) such that time taken for processing in minimal.
If i enable agent on all the nodes each WO is processed 4 times.
I have used a flag while one of the agent processing and once it is processed i will mark it as true and next time agent tries to pick it agent checks the flag and takes decision accordingly, then i am seeing locking issues and also i need to commit explicitly once the flag is set such that it wont be picked by other agent.
I am not looking for disabling agent schdules on other 3 nodes https://pdn.pega.com/system-operations/running-agents-on-a-multi-node-system.
Can you please share your thoughts on implementing the same.