
Labb Ltd
Last activity: 6 Apr 2018 19:26 EDT
After Pega7 upgrade, Rulesets show zero rule count
We have upgraded our application to Pega7 and followed all post upgrade steps.
However, all rulesets in the application shows zero rule instance count. Please help us here as we are not sure how to proceed.
Thanks in advance!
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Paypal Inc
Have you used resume.sh to resume a failed upgrade?
The current PRPC upgrade process does not support resumption during rule movement step from PR4_RULE to PR4_RULE_RULESET. If upgrade fails while rules are moved to newer rule tables, it should not be resumed but restarted again after reverting the database to migration state

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
Hi Sudharsan,
We are also facing similar issue, Could you please clarify the below queries? Appreciate your quick response
1. Is it not advisable to use resume.sh whenever upgrade.sh execution fails?
2. Does executing Upgrade.Sh do the rule movement from PR4_RULE to PR4_RULE_RULESET? and migrate.sh script does not do it?
3. What are the other movements does upgrade.sh script do?

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
And my question regarding rule movement is inclusive of project related rule sets and PEGA RULESET as well

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhuvanesh,
Please find my answers for your questions.
1. Is it not advisable to use resume.sh whenever upgrade.sh execution fails?
it is advisable but however there are some issues with the resume.sh, based up on the failure resume.sh may or may not work. upgrade.sh script will do the rules movement from old tables to new tabels which are introduced in Pega 7, for example PR4_RULE_RULESET,PR4_RULE_MESSAGES and PR4_RULE_DECLAREPAGES etc.
2. Does executing Upgrade.Sh do the rule movement from PR4_RULE to PR4_RULE_RULESET? and migrate.sh script does not do it?
Yes upgrade.sh will do this rule movement. migrate.sh will only migrate all the tables which are mapped to Rule- classess.
This will only moves all the project specific rules because all the Pega rules will be imported with the Major ruleset version 07-10.
3. What are the other movements does upgrade.sh script do?
The number of rule movements will vary from depending upon the version you are upgrading from, for example some of the the new tables like PR4_RULE_FILE_BINARY is a table introuduced in 6.3, if you are doing the upgrade prior to 6.3 to Pega 7 then it will do the binary file movements also. Unfortunately as of now we do not have the full list of the tables. I will try to collect that information.
Hi Bhuvanesh,
Please find my answers for your questions.
1. Is it not advisable to use resume.sh whenever upgrade.sh execution fails?
it is advisable but however there are some issues with the resume.sh, based up on the failure resume.sh may or may not work. upgrade.sh script will do the rules movement from old tables to new tabels which are introduced in Pega 7, for example PR4_RULE_RULESET,PR4_RULE_MESSAGES and PR4_RULE_DECLAREPAGES etc.
2. Does executing Upgrade.Sh do the rule movement from PR4_RULE to PR4_RULE_RULESET? and migrate.sh script does not do it?
Yes upgrade.sh will do this rule movement. migrate.sh will only migrate all the tables which are mapped to Rule- classess.
This will only moves all the project specific rules because all the Pega rules will be imported with the Major ruleset version 07-10.
3. What are the other movements does upgrade.sh script do?
The number of rule movements will vary from depending upon the version you are upgrading from, for example some of the the new tables like PR4_RULE_FILE_BINARY is a table introuduced in 6.3, if you are doing the upgrade prior to 6.3 to Pega 7 then it will do the binary file movements also. Unfortunately as of now we do not have the full list of the tables. I will try to collect that information.

Pegasystems Inc.
This issue may occur in the following reasons also.
1. Rule tables might not have been updated properly post upgrade to Pega 7.
- make sure all tables are present in the data base and also contents in the rule related tables and views.
2. Triggers might not have been enabled / or not firing properly
- make sure all triggers are enabled and firing appropriately with the help of DBA.

Pegasystems Inc.
Refer this post for more details

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
Hi Dev/karuppan
Thanks for your response. So just to confirm migrate.sh will move project specific RULESETs to the respective pr4_rule_** tables. We are able to see all pega specific rulesets but could not see any application related rules or rulesets in these new tables pr4_rule_** .... Is there a way around thAt you may advise to get it loaded with project specific rules? Also do you see it as a migrate.sh script issue? Please advise like for example re running the migrate script etc and if so how to ensure that application rulesets are not missed again

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
And yes the prpc version is 6.2 sp 1 to 7.1.8 upgrade. Besides when I access the designer studio -> process and rules -> find rules by RULESET version , I can see all application related rulesets. Only in these pr4_rule_**** they seem not to exist

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please confirm whether you upgraded from 6.2 to 7.1.8 using single schema or split schema.
If split schema, are you checking the rules in RULES schema or DATA schema.
I am not getting what is your exact issue.
Can you please provide necessary screen shots and expected / actual behaviour so that we can uderstand the issue.
What i understand from the above is you are able to see the rule in Designer Studio --> Process & Rules --> Tools --> Find Rules by selecting the rule set but the same rule is not there in your PR4_RULE_**** table. Is that correct. If yes, please give an example with screen shot.
If you are talking about only RULESETS and not RULES then can you check in the table PR4_RULE_RULESET.

Phalanx Consultancy Limited
Hi Karuppan,
We did a split schema 6.2 SP1 to 7.1.8 upgrade , and I am checking in the rules schema.
Expected Behaviour:
We are planning to update the built on application of project applications from PEGA 06.02 to PEGA: 07.10 post upgrade. You should be able to save the application rule
Current Behaviour:
When we save the application rule changing built on , we are thrown with errors indicating rulesets does not exist (all application rulesets and old PEGA 6.2 rulesets), when we drilled down further we found out that the application related rulesets and declare page table etc are not present in those respective pr4_rule_** tables. But new PEGA 07-xx ruleset are present in those tables.
And yes I could see the actual rules when I run the designer studio wizard, its being fetched from Data-Rule-Summary class which mapped to pr4_rule_vw.
So there could be a possibility that the upgrade.sh/migrate.sh (Which I had asked earlier which does that rule movement onto these pr4_rule_** tables, had not done its job properly) - thus seeking for an assistance if there are any possible recommended solutions.