
Capgemini, Sweden
Last activity: 1 Apr 2015 15:32 EDT
Add cover to already resolved-completed work object
Hi All,
I have a requirement to modify the existing resolved-completed work object.
I have modified the flow to create future work objects with cover and can modify the them using cover after resolved-completed, but existing work object does not have cover.
Could anyone please suggest, if we can modify the resolved work objects without cover? Or is there any way to add cover to them?
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DSD Incorporated
Your question has been escalated to provide you with the appropriate technical support.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Syed,
Could you explain your scenario in a bit more detail? Framing the question in the context of your specific use case instead of general terms can sometimes help.

Pegasystems Inc.
This looks like a duplicate of:

Capgemini, Sweden
Yes Dennis, this is duplicated.
Below is the description of issue. Hope it will help now.
Hi Dennis,
Actually, according to requirement i cannot do the changes on screen for resolved-completed work object because then it will distort the report's data for original work-object.
So i am having another flow to create new work object under same cover (as for original work object) to make changes, becasue i need to show changed information in reports along with original work-object.
Problem is that already created work-object does have cover records in PC_WORK table, and so i am facing problem to create another work-object under the cover.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Syed,
You can use pxMove api or pyMoveToAnotherCase flow action to move a work object under a new cover.

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm having a hard time understanding the question, but I do believe pxMove will allow moving a resolved case into a different parent cover.

Capgemini, Sweden
Hi Mark,
I have existing work objects but it does not have cover in pc_work table.
for e.g PZINSKEY = 'ABCD-ESPS-TOM-LOANS TFFP-LN-27' is work object in PC_WORK table with Resolved-Completed status.
Now i want to add a cover to this work object in pc_work table having PXCOVERINSKEY = 'ABCD-ESPS-TOM-LOANS TFFP-LN-27' .
Could you please help for this?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Kausar,
Once a Case (Work Object or Work Item) is "Resolved" it is essentially locked and can not be modified unless it is reopened. You will need to Re-Open the Case first before you can make it a subcase. You can write a custom activity to do this. In the Custom Activity you create use the Obj-Open method to open the case and then Call the Work- pxMove Activity (Call pxMove) to make the Case a SubCase of another Case. The pxMove Activity takes several parameters:
WorkObjectID : Id of the work object to move(can be pyId or pzInsKey)
NewCoverID : Id of the cover to move to (can be pyId or pzInsKey)
AuditNote : Audit note to be added (to the case history)
Commit : When outside of flow processing,choose to manually perform commit of all changes
UpdateHistory : Should the history be updated
PXCOVERINSKEY is a read only property that can only be updated by PRPC so you must use the Pega provided (OOTB) pxMove Activity or the Pega provided (OOTB) pyMoveToAnotherCase Flow Action to change PXCOVERINSKEY.
Pega Academy