
Last activity: 17 Jun 2015 16:43 EDT
Accessing Data Page from Database defined in Data Model
Under a POC I am doing - I defined a database in the data model. The database has 7 rows.
A field in the database is ReqID.
I want to populate unique values in the ReqID onto a dropdown i defined in a section.
I have changed the type to a dropdown. Defined the type in list source as data page, pointed the data page to the positionlist that i defined when i created the database and also pointed the "property for value" as .ReqID.
In the PRPC tutorials the above is what is required to populate unique values in the ReqID onto a dropdown i defined in a section.
Yet it is not happening.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Let's start with making sure your data page has data.
When you run your app and get to that screen with the drop down, what's on the clipboard?
Is the data page populated?

I guess not. I am getting this error.
- Unable to load data page D_Position. Required parameters : ReqID. cannot be blank

Pegasystems Inc.
Check the Parameters tab of the data page. Did you define a parameter?
Then, back on the Definition tab of the data page, did you pass a parameter Value?
fwiw, it seems as if your POC is a duplicate of an exercise in SAE1, so consider going back to that exercise and reviewing your work to ensure it matches the solution; at least in terms of where to define the parameters and where to map them.

It is that exact excercise. I have validated the steps that the excercise mentions but it is exact.
When i check the "create data pages" and i mention the Lookup data page and list data page when i create a data model I was under the assumption I dont have to define parameters in the data page as it lookups the data from the data table
Is my assumption incorrect?

Also - I am getting the following error when i look up the list I am trying to access.
- An error occured on executing the query for the report definition - There was a problem getting a list: code: 0 SQLState: 58P01 Message: ERROR: could not access file "pljava": No such file or directory

Pegasystems Inc.
I am assuming you are doing this on a local machine - so I cannot access it.
Would you be willing to send me an export?
I can load it up and take a look; this might be eaiser (definitely faster) than going back and forth.
what do you think?

Pegasystems Inc.
always click Post to soon.
Then, we can post back our findings here as a reference for others.

I am new to Pega so my aplogies but I have no idea how to export.
I am working on SAE1 so I have no issues sending you a copy if you can let me know how to export.

Pegasystems Inc.
no worries
In the Header bar (next to the Pega 7 icon) click: Designer Studio > Application > Distribution > Export
Enter a file name in the last field. this can be anything, but make sure you end it with .zip
Click Perform Export.
When it is done, you will see Zip file created. Click here to save SampleExport.zip file locally
save it to your local drive, then send it to me at [email protected]