
Last activity: 3 Aug 2017 16:23 EDT
Data Page using Keyed page access
I have a table with the following columns and need to display dynamic select value in the below mentioned scenarios.
Category | Group | Case Type | Sub Type | ReferArea
Scenario (1) Need to display List of case types
I created data page and defined Category and Group as Page list keys so I am able to get the case types dynamically.
Scenario (2) Need to display List of Subtypes
I created data page and defined Category,Group and Case type as page list keys So I am able to get the list of Subtypes dynamically
Scenario (3) Need to display List of Referral Area
I created data page and defined Category,Group , Case type and Subtype as page list keys So I am able to get the list of ReferArea dynamically
Problem :
Because of above approach system is creating 3 different data pages and loading total table records in each data page (Same data available in all the 3 data pages)
When we create any data page with Page List keys at run time if we pass values to all the keys then only data page is getting loaded , if we dont pass value to any of the keys data page will not be loaded.
I I tried below below Expected Solution but it is not working .
I have a table with the following columns and need to display dynamic select value in the below mentioned scenarios.
Category | Group | Case Type | Sub Type | ReferArea
Scenario (1) Need to display List of case types
I created data page and defined Category and Group as Page list keys so I am able to get the case types dynamically.
Scenario (2) Need to display List of Subtypes
I created data page and defined Category,Group and Case type as page list keys So I am able to get the list of Subtypes dynamically
Scenario (3) Need to display List of Referral Area
I created data page and defined Category,Group , Case type and Subtype as page list keys So I am able to get the list of ReferArea dynamically
Problem :
Because of above approach system is creating 3 different data pages and loading total table records in each data page (Same data available in all the 3 data pages)
When we create any data page with Page List keys at run time if we pass values to all the keys then only data page is getting loaded , if we dont pass value to any of the keys data page will not be loaded.
I I tried below below Expected Solution but it is not working .
Create single data page ,define multiple Page list keys , at run time system should allow to pass values to few of the keys and filter data dynamically .