in our project we are giving the possibility to create differente paragraph to create template used later to generate PDF or Email.
The template (Paragraph) are quickly becoming very complex because of the paragraph and relative When condition included in it.
We discover that there is a limit. When you pass it you receive:
Failed to compile generated Java com.pegarules.generated.html_paragraph.ra_stream_templatedefinitivo_5d27d3ca07683adaae68dfaa602cf614: Optional[---------- 1. ERROR in /com/pegarules/generated/html_paragraph/ra_stream_templatedefinitivo_5d27d3ca07683adaae68dfaa602cf614.java (at line 54) public class ra_stream_templatedefinitivo_5d27d3ca07683adaae68dfaa602cf614 extends StreamBuilderBase implements StreamBuilder, FUASupport, FUAReusable, WebAllowable { ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The code for the static initializer is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit ---------- 1 problem (1 error) Compile failed. ]
It will be great to give developer to create bigger template to increase the use of these element.