In Constellation applications on Pega Platform 24.2.0™ the Select All checkbox is missing from the Data Reference Multi-select table.
Symptoms and Impact
This issue affects all clients upgrading to Pega Platform version 24.2.0.

Steps to reproduce
In App Studio open the View containing the field that you wish to configure.
In the Mode list, select Multi-select to provide users with a choice of multiple items from the list.
In the Table control type to use with the field.
list, select the
Test the runtime behavior of the UI.
The Select All checkbox is not displayed in the Data Reference Multi-select table
Refer to Configuring a list of records reference field for the full configuration steps.
Root Cause
A defect in the Pega Platform code or rules.
This issue has been identified as a bug and will be fixed in the next available Patch Release.
This known issue document will be updated when the Release is available.