
Navistar Inc
Last activity: 16 Apr 2020 17:39 EDT
Dependent Multi-Select List controls
We were able to configure multi-select sourced using a datapage, the values are displayed correctly. We are passing the one multi-select list values to another multi-select list sourced by datapage. But, PEGA is failing to pass multiple values selected in the first multi-select list into second multi-select list.
Ex: Values selected in first multi-select list : "A","B","C"
if these values are passed to second multi-select list as a parameter, below error is occuring.
Invalid JSON request. Reason : Expected a ':' after a key at 97 [character 98 line 1]
pzGetDropdownOptions:Invalid JSON Stream for data page params : Invalid clipboard stream detected in module (unspecified). Reason: (unspecified)
Any thoughts?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****