Posted: Mar 27, 2016
Last activity: Mar 27, 2016
Last activity: 27 Mar 2016 15:11 EDT
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what is meant by work object work pool
Accepted Solution
Each time you start a new flow that has the "creates new work"checkmark on its design tab, a work object is created belonging to the same class as the applies-to class the flow is defined in.
That class is usually a subclass of or is the same as, some work pool, also called a class group, which means the work pool / class group is associated with a particular db table, often having a name PC_WORK_something, into which all work objects belonging to that work pool / class group and its subclasses are generally stored.
check the online help: and the related items.
Accepted Solution
Each time you start a new flow that has the "creates new work"checkmark on its design tab, a work object is created belonging to the same class as the applies-to class the flow is defined in.
That class is usually a subclass of or is the same as, some work pool, also called a class group, which means the work pool / class group is associated with a particular db table, often having a name PC_WORK_something, into which all work objects belonging to that work pool / class group and its subclasses are generally stored.
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