Will Pega ever force a node or user to quiesce?
We get these logs hundreds of times per day. The curious part is that we are certainly NOT starting a quiesce. When this happens, it causes hundreds of alerts for writing pages into System-SavedPages which makes sense.
I'm wondering if there is any scenario where Pega will do this? Perhaps if it senses it encountered an internal issue...?
Environment: Pega 8.4.1, Jboss, Oracle DB, Redhat Linux
2020-12-07 16:07:19,330 [otejob-executor-1550] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( internal.mgmt.PRRequestorImpl) INFO - [QuiescePassivation] forcePassivateInner: passivated or destroyed requestor [HYOOCZPKQS0INF1G3SUQWIS4OWNO4STLQA] ------
[QuiesceActivation] Requestor [H212L5W142D2AL48I9A4CA34SH67TLVQMA] has been restored from passivated data as a result of quiesce
[Quiesce] Found requestor [HSZDWGOADU6FUURUSDFU1TUW9OZ6OOG2UA] on remote node: 8edfc2f4-b4a6-4eb1-9c33-5e7f6a4eebd0