Why Parent and Child classes are not in separate table even after configuring "is a class group"
I have 2 classes with a struicture Org-App-Work-Parent and Org-App-Work-Child in a class structure (both Top level classes)
Parent has in class defnition -->"belongs to a classgroup" -->Org-App-Work
Child has in class defnition -->"is a classgroup" -->Org-App-Work-Child
I wanted to have Parent and child in different DB tables through separate classgroup definiton (as above)
Now what I observe is that that they are stored in the same "work" table although the class groups are different as per definition above.
Do I need to manually create and map the tables in Data-Admin-DB-Table setting or am I missing something here ?
I am using pega 7.1.9
Note that Child is a subcase of Parent.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***