
Bank of America
Last activity: 13 Jan 2016 8:48 EST
why the heapdump is being created in PEGA environment?
why the heapdump is being created in PEGA environment?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lokesh,
Thread dumps in general, are created in any application when the threads are waiting on another thread . This thread in general might be running long sql query or holding on another resource.
Thread dump and log analysis can help you finding actual root cause.
You can raise SR to get help on why there are thread dumps being generated in your PRPC application.

Bank of America
Thanks for the quick response Arvind Malav.
Above information is very helpful.But i need Information regarding HeapDump. does HeapDump and Thread Dump are same.

Pegasystems Inc.
No, Heap dump and thread dumps are different.
Heap dump is meant to collect snapshot of memory heldup by objects at a particular time.
Thread dumps taken over a period of time ( say for 5 min ) gives idea about what individual threads might be doing ( events).

Bank of America
In our case heap dumps are being generated continuously. Due to which the out of memory exception is being raised and Instance getting unreachable.
so need to know the root cause of it. through which we can resolve the issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
You can raise SR to engage Support for this.
To Start with, you can review Heap size utilization and the current value set for min n maz heap size parameter.
Often, memory utilization depends upon system resources, number of users in system, hardware etc.

Bank of America
Thanks for Info.
I have raised an SR for this. From which i received a mail saying....(below)........ so posted the query here.
Hello Lokesh,
I have reviewed the information you provided in SR-A15681. This request falls outside the scope of work supported by GCS. Questions about how to design, develop, or debug custom applications and similar types of questions are best addressed by posing a question to the Product Support Community.
The Product Support Community is a place where Pegasystems architects, developers, and administrators may pose questions and interact with one another in a dynamic community. It is a great place to seek solutions to problems, and to share ideas. To access the Product Support Community please use this link:
I will proceed with closing this SR based on the information I have provided.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Lokesh,
You can raise SR if you see that any PRPC code is causing the problem in holding the memory if it is not solved by playing around the memory argument.

Pegasystems Inc.
sounds like your heapdumps were triggered by out of memory event. You should send the dumps through pegalft and create a SR for GCS to review the possible root causes. FYI, the JVM normally generates heapdumps (if configured in JVM arguments) due to out of memory error. This is built in in all modern JVMs, not a feature from Pega.

Bank of America
Thanks All for the Information. I was busy with the Work. Will Raise a new SR as suggested by you and will let you know the reason once the resolved.