
Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Last activity: 1 Apr 2024 3:43 EDT
why disable dropdown controller
Hi team,
when i add the dropdown Controller and run end portal, disable option is never selected, but it was disabled, (dropdown property have 3 values) how to enable it .
Thank you;
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***
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NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @Eranda10274: Can help to understand whether the issue is only to the Dropdown control? or is it happening only for the dropdown control in the section which has other controls too?
Sharing the screenshot of the portal and design time configuration will help us to understand better.
Please check if you have configured any read only condition for the control / section too.

Evonsys (PVT) LTD
Thank you for answering my question.
only dropdown controller, and controller edit option is editable.
Thank you

LTIMindtree Limited
Can you please also share the drop down source configuration screenshot?

Evonsys (PVT) LTD

LTIMindtree Limited
Can you please uncheck that checkbox - "Display only", save and checkin the property and then see if the drop down is available at runtime?

Evonsys (PVT) LTD

LTIMindtree Limited
Is the drop down "User type" on the same primary page as that of other properties like "First name" or "Last name"? If not is it being referred from a page type property?

Evonsys (PVT) LTD

LTIMindtree Limited
Check the page on which the property "User type" is referred to as and ensure that the page is present in the clipboard before the screen renders.
Assume that "User type" is referred as pyWorkPage.UserInfo.UserType, where UserInfo is a page type property. Then make sure that the page is created before the screen is rendered. You can easily create the page in a data transform as well by setting UserInfo as "".