Where exactly is WorkMgr4 access role configured to allow user to perform other's assignments?
When you create an application in UI-Kit, system creates two access roles - "Manager" and "User". "Manager" access role inherits from PegaRULES:WorkMgr4 and "User" access role inherits from PegaRULES:User. The difference is, Manager can perform other's assignments while User can only perform his own assignment.
My question here is, where exactly (which rule, in which class) this difference is controlled?
I want to understand the actual configuration, not Access Manager.
The reason I ask is, I just realized that in Cosmos application, system creates only one access role for end users - "User4" and it behaves like "User" in UI-Kit - user can only perform his own assignment, not other's.
However, most of my customers want to configure end user's access role like "Manager" so user can also perform other's assignments. I want to apply the same configuration used in old UI-Kit "Manager" access role.