Last activity: 10 May 2018 1:18 EDT
What does query string contain in PEGA LOGIN URL
Hi ,
I am using SSO can you explain what are the query string values in URL after PRServlet.
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Accepted Solution
Here's the answer I got from one of my colleagues:
When we POST data to PRPC we have to handle the case when a redirect occurs - for example when posting data to just the /prweb/PRServlet will cause a 303 redirect so the processing runs within the proper context - accessgroup hash
so we need to store the posted data because a 303 redirect response will then trigger a GET request from the browser
so the pzPostData is a pointer to a hashmap containing the posted data so it can be referenced/used when redirects occur.
All users see same query string in URL.
Can you clarify what is this and why its same
Hi Team,
Can you pls reply
The immediate hash (e.g., cTIwP01Sm6wbO-co1YnspWwpmujJAfZPx-cq4PHUbpc%5B*/ above) is a hash code that is generated from the Access Group and the user's ruleset profile. Are you referring to this, or the pzPostData?
https://xxxxx/prweb/PRServlet/6LNtIs_6n5e-yVZe94ExObX5llv7EEzp*/!STANDARD?pzPostData=-832304156 I am referring to the on ein bold letters. It is same for all users, what is it and why
Accepted Solution
Here's the answer I got from one of my colleagues:
When we POST data to PRPC we have to handle the case when a redirect occurs - for example when posting data to just the /prweb/PRServlet will cause a 303 redirect so the processing runs within the proper context - accessgroup hash
so we need to store the posted data because a 303 redirect response will then trigger a GET request from the browser
so the pzPostData is a pointer to a hashmap containing the posted data so it can be referenced/used when redirects occur.
And I see my colleague created this post in answer to your question: