Web Embed onfiguration
I am following the instruction provided in the exercise and trying to setup the web page in the case1.html and case2.html. But when i execute it in see that the connection is refused. Couple of things that i tried are:
Note: the required DSS is already set to true (for custom bearer authentication type)
1. Tried to update the pegaServerURL from the snippet to the one that i found in the terminal ( Proprietary information hidden)
2. Tried to add PegaRules:PegaAPI role to the modal user (ExternalUSer@MDC)
I tried the same for both Partner Registration and Vendor Enrollment.
3. Updated the Cross-Site Request Forgery rule, Cookie settings, checked and picked None from the dropdown.
I have not able to take a screen shot from the Virtual box. But in the console, there are 4 errors (attached a screen shot. The ipaddress on the screen shot is the system generated. I get the same error messages even after i copy the ipaddress from the VM terminal command ifconfig)
Please can anyone help me with the configuration.
Thank you