
The Bank of Nova Scotia - Toronto Region
Last activity: 30 Sep 2019 13:17 EDT
Web adapter does not detect any html control
After I installed the latest Visual Studio plug-in, the interrogation function was not able to detect any HTML controls inside Internet Explorer from a Web Adapter. I tested with Pega Robotic Automation 8.0.2014, 8.0.2019(SP1) and v19.1. I received same result. However, if I re-install v8.0.1067 plug-in, then interrogation works.
Do you have any idea to the issue?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The investigation of the related Support Case concluded that there was an environmental setting on the user's machine that did not allow IE to start as a 32bit process which is necessary for Robotic Studio and Runtime for control creation.

Pegasystems Inc.
Seems to be OS is not compatible, can you share the OS details (output of winver command)

The Bank of Nova Scotia - Toronto Region
I am on Windows 7 Enterprise. Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1).

Pegasystems Inc.
Replicate this issue and share verbose Studio*.log files from both 8.0.1067 (working) and other non-working environments along with screenshots.
Note: Un-install Pega Native Foundation S/W while un-installing latest robotics version.

The Bank of Nova Scotia - Toronto Region
Studio logs and screenshots for V19.1 and V8.0.1067 attached.

The Bank of Nova Scotia - Toronto Region
I uploaded the Studio logs and screenshots to the issues. Is there an update from Pega?

Pegasystems Inc.
I would suggest that you open a support request to look at your specific environment. I suspect that there's a Windows Hot Fix or something preventing it from working.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please let us know the SR ID should you open one so that we may track for you.
Thank you!

The Bank of Nova Scotia - Toronto Region
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The investigation of the related Support Case concluded that there was an environmental setting on the user's machine that did not allow IE to start as a 32bit process which is necessary for Robotic Studio and Runtime for control creation.