Creating Controls for Child Elements in Universal Web Adapter
Good Afternoon,
I am looking for guidance, documentation, or a tutorial for creating controls for a Universal Web Application
My specific scenario is that I am interrogating a web application that has links nested inside a div tag in the target website like so:
<div id = "Top Level">
<div id="Second Level">
<li><a>link one</a></li>
<li><a>link two</a></li>
<li><a>link three</a></li>
Pega Robot Studio Universal Web adapter will create a control for the div id "Top Level" but I can't seem to get any valid controls for the child elements under that. I need to be able to click on the "link three" text.
I have been trying to find the correct match rule scrolling through the controls Web Controls > List Web Controls method in the adapter with no luck. I have also tried creating both custom Property Match and Attribute Match rules also with no luck.
As a word of explanation as well, all the a tags have dynamic id values so id will not be useful for creating a reliable match. I was hoping to match on innerText or some other more reliable element.
Is there some advanced training on creating custom match rules in Pega RPA that I could make use of?