UTC to Date Time format automatic conversion issue in Connect-REST
There is a requirement to convert the existing SOAP services to REST Call. In the SOAP while consumption pega converts the date time field defined at service end from UTC format(1970-01-01T09:31:07.000Z ) to GMT format ( 19700101T093107.000 GMT). the same is not converted when we call Connect-REST.
The same can be done at our end applying Pega defined functions, But there are about 100 date time fields , if the change is required it needs to be manually applied for all the individual cases. That will take much time , labour and chance of error.
Need a generic approach which will convert to GMT when we call connect-rest itself.
The connect rest is created by importing using wizard, when we call from our application the rest service , while mapping we get the error "String is not a Date Time".
Asked the service provider team to convert the UTC format to GMT format, but they are saying it is not as per the standard of Standard Enterprise Architecture.
Also tried applying some pega default functions for conversion like SubString and FormatDatetime, this works but since we are converting the existing SOAP services to REST there are a lot of places where we have to apply functions manually.
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***